Probably one of the most asked question in the history of humanity, Who will win this fight?
We always watch predications for MMA and BJJ fights, but is there any criteria that we can judge on? and the answer is pretty much (YES), the formula is not 100% accurate but it can do the job up to 90 ~ 95%.
Who will win in a fight criteria:
1. Age
It’s pretty much clear that young boys have high physicality performance, which will gives them a natural better stamina, and a quicker muscles power.
2. Technique
Certainly knowing more martial arts, studying/applying more techniques in each martial art, and learning new tricks, is a an important tool in any judgment.
For a long period of time BJJ practitioners were to dominating all MMA fights due to their knowledge of ground game, when all other martial arts/artists have absolutely no clue nor a solution for those situation (ground game).
3. Experience
Experience and drilling are the most important elements, they develop the muscle memory where techniques became a reaction rather than action.
More drilling and sparing means more exposure to all different scenarios and situations, and it also gives you the confident that you need.
4. Weight
Weight plays a major factor but it also have it’s pros and cons, usually heavier people have much less stamina, so if you can maintain a high weight yet a long stamina then that would be the best, but it’s very seldom for this to happen as the bigger the muscles the more they need blood, and that’s what might slow you down.
The average score for all those elements can determine the winner .